Volume 406, Page 99 View pdf image (33K) |
( 99 ) 9ber 8th 1692 This day William Elgate and (W een ) is Ordered to appoint the high Road how it is to be cleared in the fforest for the greatest Conveniency to the County and they are likewise to give theire directions to Thomas Cox Overseer for those parts who is hereby Ordered to see cleared forthwith _____ vide Petion following ______ - - - - - ______ - - - - To the worll. Court of Somerset County the humble Petion of the Inhabitants of ye forrest humble sheweth that yr Petioners are warned to Clear the high waye, which yr Petionrs are ready and willing to doe, but finding it all togeather inconvenient, both for the public, as also for the most of the Inhabitants of the fforrest to clear away where, we are appointed by the Overseer it being wholy for his own Conveniency yr petioners therefore Craveth that Some men may be appointed, to view and Contrive their Maties highwayes, So as they may be as much as possible for the Conveniency of all and yr Petioners as in duty bound Shall ever pray. Petion granted ut Supra . John: Callwall. - - Andrew: Speir - November Nicholas: Taylor - - Robert: Callwell. 1692 . James: Wallace - James: Callwall . Matthew: Wallace B Andrew: Callwall. Robert: Wallace - - Andrew: Wallace . William Wallace - - Michael: Oneal . William: Wallace Junr William: Wallace. Persons appointed pr Court to appear to assist ye Justices in lying out & deviding ye County into Parishes as followeth vizt . - - - - - - - upon 22th of this Month - - - - ______ from: Mattapony. Thomas: Purnell. Henry: Hall. Wm: Stevuson & Richard: Holland from: Pocomoke. mr. John: Cornish. John:Starrett. Alexander:Maddux & Wm:Noble . - from Annimessex: Capt. Wm. Coulbourne. mr Wm. Planner. mr. Thomas:Dixon mr from: Monokin. mr.Arnold Elzey. Rich:Chambers. Capt.Rich:Whitty. mr Jno. Strawbridge from Mony. George: Betts. John:Laws. John:Renshaw John: White ______________ from Wiccocomocoe. Daniel:Hast. Wm:Legate.Wm:Alexander. Matthew Wallis _______ Nanticoke: Robert:Collier. James:Weatherley. John. Bound. Capt Wm: Piper _________ Sheriffe had in Court the Coppy of ye persons & then Ordered to Sumon them to appr ut Supra . B |
Volume 406, Page 99 View pdf image (33K) |
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