Session, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, chapter
four hundred
and eighty-seven.
107. An act for the relief
of the heirs at law of John V. Swearingen,
one of the securities of Otho H. Williams, late Clerk of
Washington County Court.
108. An act to incorporate the North Branch Company.
109. An act to authorise the County Commissioners
of Prince
George's county to appoint a proper person as Commissioner to
superintend the removal of the Primary School House number
one, in the Second Election District of said county.
110. An act to authorise the building of a new Alms-House
Cecil county.
111. An act to make valid a deed from Singleton
and Catharine Townsend, his wife, to Benedict Boone.
112. An act to authorise the appointment of a Bailiff
to the
Orphans Court of Howard county, and to fix the compensation
of the same.
113. An act to confirm the acts of Walter R. Jones
and Wm.
Hunter, as Justices of the Peace for Baltimore county.
114. An act relative to Juries to serve in the Courts
of Baltimore
city, and repealing certain exemptions from such service.
115. An act repealing certain provisions in former
acts relative
to the taking of acknowledgments of deeds by Justices of the
Peace for Baltimore city and county, and making valid acknowledgments
taken before such Justices.
116. An act to make valid certain proceedings in
the Circuit
Court for Montgomery county.
117. An act to make valid the acknowledgment of
a deed from
Daniel Schindel and Ann Schindel, to Samuel Spielman.
118. An act to cure certain defects in the acknowledgment
119. An act in addition to an act entitled, an act
to incorporate
the Chesapeake Bank, by reducing the number of its directors.
120. An act for repairing and furnishing the chamber
by the Court of Appeals.
121. An act to provide for the payment of legal
fees due to
Robert J. Brent, for services rendered as Attorney General.
122. An act to establish another Court for the city
of Baltimore,
as provided by the twelfth Section of the fourth Article of
the Constitution.
123. An act to authorise the removal of causes depending
the Court of Chancery.
124. An act to compensate John H. Goddard, Richard