or occupation of the property required
by the said corporation;
and the said jury shall cause to be summoned
such witnesses as the parties may require, and shall examine
them, on oath, in relation to the value of the
property to be condemned; and they shall reduce the
testimony, if any is taken by them, in writing, and after
the testimony is closed in such case, and without any
unnecessary delay, and before proceeding to the examination
of any other claim, they shall ascertain and determine
the compensation which ought to be justly
made by said corporation to the party or parties owning
or interested in the property to be condemned and appraised
by them, as aforesaid; and the said jury shall
reduce their inquisition to writing, and shall sign and
seal the same, and it shall then be returned by the said
sheriff to the clerk of the circuit court for Frederick
county, and by said clerk filed in his court; and shall
be confirmed by the said court, if no sufficient cause
to the contrary be shown, and when confirmed,
shall be recorded by said clerk, at the expense of said
corporation; but if set aside, the said court may direct
another inquisition to be taken in the manner above
prescribed, and such inquisition shall describe the property
taken, the bounds of the land condemned, and
the quantity or duration of interest in the same, condemned
for the aforesaid corporation; and such valuation,
when paid or tendered to the owner or owners of
said property, his, her or their attorney, shall entitle
said corporation to the estate and property, so as aforesaid
valued, as fully as if the same had been conveyed
by the owner or owners thereof.
may be summoned.
Testimony to
be reduced to
Inquisition to
be reduced to
writing and be
recorded by
clerk of Circuit
If set aside,
court may direct
SEC. 2. And be it enacted,
That this act shall be in
force from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to incorporate the Metropolitan Rail Road
Passed May
5, 1853.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted
by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That John W. Maury, William W.
Corcoran, William W. Seaton, David English, Francis
Dodge, Ferdinand W. Risque, of the District of Columbia;
Charles E. Trail, Jacob M. Kunkel, and Meredith
Davis of Frederick county; Robert T. Dade, William