1892.] OF THE SENATE. 783
Tax Court of Baltimore city shall forthwith deliver a
copy of the returns, so to it made, to each of the
Boards of Control and Review for Baltimore city.
178. That it shall be the duty of the said assessors
to deliver or cause to be delivered, or to send by mail
to each person in their respective assessment districts
who shall own any personal property, subject to taxa-
tion under the laws of this State, at least two days
before the said assessors shall call upon said persons
for the purpose of assessing the property of such, per-
son, a copy of the schedule provided in section one
hundred and seventy-two of thie Act, and each person
receiving a copy of the said schedule, shall fill and
sign the same immediately upon the receipt thereof,
and deliver the same to the said assessors, when they
shall call for the purpose of assessing his or her prop-
erty, and it shall be the duty of the respective Boards
of County Commissioners of the several counties of
this State, on or before the first day of January, in the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and on or
before the same day in every year thereafter, cause a
copy of the said schedule to be sent by mail to every
person in their respective counties, as far as they may
know or be able to ascertain them ; and the Board of
Police Commissioners of Baltimore city shall cause
the police officers in said city, during the first week of
January, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-
three, and during the same week in every year there-
after, to deliver at every house in the said city, one
copy of said schedule for each person of or over the
age of twenty-one years, residing therein, and at every
;store, office, shop or other place of business, one or
more copies of the said schedule.
179. That it shall be the duty of every person resid-
ing in any county or city of this State, and of every
person who owns any personal property permanently
located in any county or city of this State, though he
he does not reside therein, to deliver to the assessors
of his or her district, a copy of the schedule in section
one hundred and seventy-two of this Act provided,
duly filled and signed, on or before the day on which
the said assessors shall call upon such person for the
purpose of assessing his property ; and to the Board
of County Commissioners of the county in which said