whenever deemed expedient, to issue bonds, and to
secure the payment thereof by mortgage or deed of
trust of the property, lands and income and fran-
chises of said company.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of such new corporation, within six months
File certifi-
after its said organization, to make a certificate
thereof under its common seal, attested by the sig-
nature of its president, specifying its corporate name,
the date of such organization, the names of its presi-
dent and directors, and cause said certificate to be
filed in the office of the Secretary of State at Anna-
polis, there to remain of record, and such record
shall be evidence of the corporate existence of said
corporation in all the courts of law and equity within
this State, and evidence of the due performance of
every thing required by this act to Be done to con-
stitute and complete the organization of said corpo-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said new body
politic and corporate is hereby authorized to fix by
Meetings —
time of.
its by-laws the time for holding its annual and special
meetings of stockholders, and for the election of
directors at such annual meetings ; provided, how-
ever, that at least twenty days' notice of the time
and place for holding said meetings shall first be
given by publication in one newspaper printed in
Talbot county and one newspaper in Caroline county,
Maryland, and one newspaper published in Kent
county, Delaware ; and provided, further, that noth-
ing in this act shall release said new corporation,
when organized, from taxation as other railroad cor-
porations are taxed in this State.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts
In force.
of acts inconsistent with this act be and the same are
hereby repealed, so far as is necessary to give full
effect to this act, and this act shall take effect from,
the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1878.