shall be suspended in such a manner that they will
close of their own accord.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the owner, les-
see or agent of every mine in operation in the said
Shall furnish.
counties of Alleghany and Garrett shall furnish at
their own expense all props and all the requisite
timber that may be used in the working of said
mines, and as the miners employed at "work therein
proceed with the working of their excavations, it
Duty of
shall be the duty of the owner, lessee or agent of
said mines to furnish a sufficient quantity of tim-
ber at the place where the miner is at work, and
whenever the said workmen engaged in the said
Deem it safe.
excavation shall deem it safe and proper to have any
of the props or timbers removed from said excava-
tions, it shall be the duty of the person or persons so
employed by the owner, lessee or agent to remove
the said props or timbers to whatever point or place
No props or
the workmen engaged therein may require, but no
props or timber whatever shall be removed that
might endanger the lives of any of the workmen
engaged therein by such removal.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That whenever any
any impure
gases or impure air is known to exist in any of the
mines in the said counties of Alleghany and Garrett,
and which is likely to endanger the lives" of the
miners employed therein, it shall be the duty of the
mine inspector, upon the same being made known
Careful ex-
to him, to proceed at once to make a careful exam-
ination of the ventilating apparatus of the said mine,
and if he shall find that the gases and impure air
existing in said mine was the cause of the bad
condition of the ventilating apparatus connected
Notify owner
therewith, he shall immediately notify the owner,
lessee or agent to expel from the said mine all nox-
ious gases and impure air existing therein, and to
properly ventilate the same.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the mine inspec-
Inspector of
tor shall also be an inspector of weights, at all the
mines, now or hereafter operated in said Alleghany
and Garrett counties, and shall have power to weigh
the coal mined therein, from time to time, on the
scales at the different mines in said counties, and to
test the accuracy of said scales, and to do any other