AN ACT entitled a supplementary act to add addi-
tional sections to an act entitled an act to remodel
the charter of the Union Orphan Asylum of Bal-
timore city, and to provide for the dissolution
Whereas in an act passed by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland at January session, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-seven, chapter two hundred and
fifty-nine, entitled an act to remodel the charter of
the Union Orphan Asylum of Baltimore city, no
provision was made for the mortgage, sale or other
disposal of the property owned and possessed by said
corporation, or for the dissolution of said corporation,
or for the application of any surplus funds which
may remain after the sale and disposal of its property ;
and whereas the purposes for which said corporation
was formed and established, to wit : for maintaining
and educating children of deceased soldiers and
sailors of the State of Maryland, will shortly, by the
lapse of time since the late civil war between the
States, be fully consummated and accomplished by
the attainment by said children of an age at which
they can gain their own livelihood, and the corpora-
tors of said corporation deem it advisable that proper
provisions should be made for its dissolution.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Union Orphan Asylum of
Baltimore city is hereby authorized and empowered
to sell and
to sell, grant, convey and dispose of all its real and
personal property, and by deed, lease or other instru-
ment in writing, under its corporate seal, signed by
its President and acknowledged by its. President, or .
its duly authorized attorney in its behalf, to make a
good and sufficient conveyance of its real estate.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That after the sale of
all its real and personal property, and the payment of
all its lawful debts, the corporators of said incorpora-
to give and
apply surplus
tion, by a vote of a majority of them, are authorized
and empowered to give, grant and apply any surplus