House bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 61 and
$54, of Article 16, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Montgomery County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners," and sections 124, 125 and 126, of said
Article 16, sub-title "Jurors, State's Witnesses, Crier
and Bailiffs," and section 218 and 219 of said Article
16, sub-title "Taxes," and to re-enact the same with
amendments, and to add a new section to said Article
16, to be numbered 220.
Mr. Schlaffer, from a Select Commitee, reported
House bill entitled an Act requiring the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to grade, curb
and macadamize the road now called Eastern avenue,
at Highlandtown, in Baltimore county.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to effect section 1, of
Article 7, of the Constitution of this State, so far as
the same relates to Baltimore county, and to repeal
section 31, of Article 3, of the Public Local Laws,
title "Baltimore County," sub-title "County Commis-
sioners," and to re-enact the same with amendments.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and em-
power the Governor of the State of Maryland to ap-
point an additional Justice of the Peace for the first
precinct of the fourth election district of Caroline
Mr. Smith, of Washington county, reported fav-
House bill entitled an Act to sanction and make
valid a bequest of Nancy Camel, late of Washington
county, deceased, to Manor Church, of the Tunker
denomination, and a bequest from said Nancy Camel
to the Methodist Episcopal Church, situated in the
town of Sharpsburg, Washington county, Maryland.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and require
the County Commissioners of Washington county to
refund to Martin L. Byers, Benjamin P. Rench, Saml.
Poffenberger and Benjamin F. Eshelman, certain
moneys paid by them as endorsers for George W. Pole,
late collector of State and county taxes for said