Mr. Kirk, from a Select Committee, reported favor-
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments, sections 189 and 190, of Article 8,
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County,"
sub-title "North East," and to add an additional sec-
tion thereto.
Also, favorably,
Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 37 A,
37 B and 37 C, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Cecil County," sub-title "Auctions," as enacted
by the Acts of 1890.
Mr. Stottlemyer, from a Select Committee, reported
Senate bill entitled an Act to authorize the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Allegany county, to record cer-
tain land records.
Mr. Barber, from a Select Committee, reported fav-
Senate bill entitled an Act to encourage manufac-
tures in the city of Cumberland.
Which were severally read a second time.
Mr. Laird, from a Special Joint Committee, sub-
mitted the following
ANNAPOLIS, MD., February 17th, 1892.
To the Honorable,
The General Assembly of Maryland :
The undersigned, being; a majority of the Joint
Committeee of the General Assembly, appointed by
Joint Resolution passed at the January Session, 1892,
to examine and count the bonds of the Exchange
Loan of 1889, acquired by the exchange therefor of
the State's Preferred Stock as stockholder and credi-
tor of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, re-
spectfully report, that pursuant to the instructions in
said resolution contained, we did, at the office of the
Safe Deposit Company of Baltimore, on the sixth day
of February, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, exam-
ine and count said bonds (the same having been with-
drawn by the Treasury officers from the Safe Deposit
at Baltimore for the purpose of being counted, ex-
amined and destroyed as required by said resolution),