House bill entitled an Act to repeal section 15, of
Article 56, of the Code of Public General Laws, title
"Licenses," sub-title "Brokers," and to repeal section
18, of said Article, as amended by chapter 420 of the
Acts of 1890.
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the Elkton
Electric Light and Power Company.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Cam-
bridge Female Seminary, incorporated by chapter 201,
Acts of 1858, to enter into an agreement with the
Board of County School Commissioners in reference
to academic and school education in the town of Cam-
House bill entitled an Act to sanction the devise by
Sarah Ann Taylor, late of Charles county, to the
Vestry of Durham Parish of the Protestant Episcopal
Church of said county.
House bill entitled an Act to enable the Board of
Trustees of Gaithersburg Methodist Episcopal Church
in the United States of America, of Montgomery
county, to sell and dispose of certain real estate in
said county.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal chapter 618, of
the Acts of 1890, title "Justice of the Peace." sub-
title "Criminal Jurisdiction," so far as it applies to
Talbot county.
House bill entitled an Act to regulate the compen-
sation of the Officers of Registration of Carroll
House bill entitled. an Act to authorize and em-
power the Governor to appoint an additional Justice
of the Peace in District No. 12, in Frederick
House bill entitled an Act to regulate the county
printing and publishing in Baltimore county, and to
provide for having the same done by contract.
House bill entitled an Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 10, of the Code of Public Local Laws,
title "Dorchester County," to be called "Section
321," regulating the pay of witnesses.