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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 7, entitled an Act to prohibit the use of free
passes, tickets or cards of travel by State officers, for
the unfavorabe report of Committee on the Judiciary,
January 27th,
Which motion was rejected.
Report of the Committee was then adopted.
Mr. Berret, from the Committee on Ways and
Means, reported favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay to the Treasurer of the State Board of
Education the amount of sundry bills paid by him
for repairs to the State Normal School.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the Gov-
ernor to appoint delegates from the several Con-
gressional Districts of this State to the National
Road Congress or Convention, and to appropriate a
sum of money to pay the personal expences of said
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to appropriate a sum of
money to pay Thomas and Evans f or furnishing copies
and extracts of the election laws under section 138
and 160, chapter 538, of the Acts of 1890.
Which were severally read a first time.
Mr. Carter, from the Committee on Judiciary, re-
ported favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to sanction the bequest
of Rev. E. R Eschbach and the Evangelical Re
formed Church of Frederick, by the name of the
Consistory of the Evangelical Reformed Church of
Frederick county, and the Consistory of the Evan-
gelical Reformed Church of Frederick city, contained
in the last will of Joshua Bruner, deceased.
Also, favorably,
House bill entitled an Act to add a section to Article
87, Code of Public General Laws, title "Sheriff," sub-
title "Oath of Office and Bond," relating to the official
oath taken by sheriffs...
Which were severally read a first time.

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Proceedings of the House, 1892
Volume 398, Page 267   View pdf image (33K)
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