On motion of Mr. Laird,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to repeal
chapter 16 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the January session, 1880, en-
titled an Act to adjust and settle finally by agreement
all pending controversies between the State of Mary-
land and the Northern Central Railway Company, by
subjecting the franchise and property of said company
within this State to taxation for State purposes to a
certain extent, and by providing for the payment of
a certain indebtedness claimed by the State of Mary-
land to exist on the part of said Northern Central
Railway Company to said State of Maryland, being
an Act supplementary to the Act of 1854, chapter. 250,
entitled an Act to authorize the consolidation of the
Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company with
the York and Maryland Line Railroad Company, the
York and Cumberland Railroad Company and the
Susquehanna Railroad Company, by the [name of the
Northern Central Railway Company.
On motion of Mr. Wilson,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Claims to
introduce a bill to pay Wm. H. Ford, collector of
District No. 3, of Kent county, the sum of $4.19 over
paid into the Treasury of Maryland.
On motion of Mr. Collins,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Elections,
to repeal section 3, chapter 588, of the Acts of 1890,
known as the Australian Ballot Law, so as to include
Talbot, Kent, Caroline, Dorchester, Carroll, Mont-
gomery, Harford, Baltimore and Garrett counties,
being the counties excepted in the Act of 1890.
On motion of Mr. McSherry,
Leave was granted to the Committee of Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled an Act to appro-
priate a sum of money to pay the claim of the commis-
sioners of Charities and Corrections for Frederick
On motion of Mr, Fitzgerald,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Judiciary
to introduce a bill to add additional sections to Article