INDEX. 1659
House bill to amend section 212 of article 18,.
chapter 333, 661, 746, 900.
House bill to regulate the taking in certain waters of
in this State, 716, 720, 909, 1247, 1589.
House bill to amend section 53, article 72, relating to
packers of, 906, 907, 1208, 1352, 1452.
House bill to appropriate a sum of money for ex-
perimental efforts to propagate and increase the oyster
supply, 927, 928.
Senate bill to amend sections 67 to 76 of article 72,
sub-title Shipping Commissioner, 1082, 1272, 1423,
1463, 1512.
Joint resolution directing a survey of the beds or
bars in Chesapeake bay, 409.
PAGE, H. CLAGETT—House bill to pay for indexing land
records, 817, 861, 920, 946, 1443.
PARKINSON, JOSEPH—Order relating to paying claim of,
1263, 1386, 1530.
PASSENGERS—House bill to regulate the carrying of, and
tor the satety and protection of, 606, 609, 1014.
PATAPSCO RIVER—House bill to authorize a bridge
across, 780, 902, 924, 1330, 1585.
PATAPSCO TITLE COMPANY—House bill to incorporate,
1009, 1011, 1168, 1271,1290, 1343.
PATUXENT RIVER—House bill to establish a free bridge
over, 307, 732, 833, 954, 1172.
PEARCE, GEORGE M.—Order that eight days' per diem
and mileage be paid to, 28.
PEABODY INSTITUTE FUND—House bill to enable, to
authorize the transfer of the city 6 per cent, stock in,
96, 409, 520, 562, 791, 1448.