1648 INDEX.
KELLY, PATRICK, AND WIFE-House bill to sanction
a grant to the Parkton M. E. church, 606, 731.
KELLY, PETER—House bill to sanction bequests of; 927..
House bill to amend the charter of, 188, 225, 241, 319,
597, 674.
KEY, FRANCIS SCOTT—House bill to erect a monument
over the grave of, 892, 893, 1012, 1279.
KEYSER, WILLIAM AND MARY B.—House bill to sanc-
tion the grant of certain laud to Reisterstown parish,.
376, 377.
KUHN, SUSAN—House bill to sanction bequest to the
Missionary Society of the M. E. church, 106.
LABOR STATISTICIAN—Order relating to printing report
of, 965, 1386.
LABOR—House bill to protect and make sure the wages of,
605, 609.
LANE, ELIZABETH—House bill to sanction bequest to the
Home and Foreign Missionary Society, 61, 71, 140,
169, 259, 432.
LANDLORD AND TENANTS—House bill relating to dis-
traint for rent—See Code.
LANKFORD, H. F.—House bill to authorize the return of
tines to certain parties, 357, 521, 561, 583, 867, 979.
LAND RECORDS—House bill relating to indexing certain,
437, 439, 618, 956, 1227, 1398.
LAUDERMAN, JOHN M.—House bill to pay the claim of
986, 987, 1105, 1155.
LARRIMORE, SAMUEL—House bill to refund certain,
money, 1099.