House bill entitled an Act authorizing the County
Commissioners of Worcester and Wicomico counties
to have the Pocomoke river surveyed and to levy a
sum of money to defray the expenses thereof.
House bill entitled an Act to empower the Burgess
and Commissioners of Boonsborough, in Washington
county, to purchase a water supply and to levy for
she same.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize and em-
power the Turnpike Plank Road and Railway and
Bridge Company of Anne Arundel county to erect
bridges over Curtis Creek, on river commonly called
Curtis Bay, and on Cabin Branch, or Creek, in Anne
Arundel county, State of Maryland.
House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Harford county to grant a pension
to Charles C. Smith.
House bill entitled an Act to permit the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county to lay out and
apen public roads in the Thirteenth Election District
of Baltimore county within two miles of Baltimore
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the United
States and Guarantee Company.
House bill entitled an Act to incorporate the town
«f Solomon, in Calvert county.
House bill entitled an Act to add two additional
sections to Article 2 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Anne Arundel County,"
sub-title "Oysters," to be designated as "Section 188
A and 188 B."
House bill entitled an Act to prohibit the issuing of
any license for the sale of spirituous or fermented
liquors or lager beer at or within one-half mile of
Warrow's Park, as now enclosed, the terminus of the
Cumberland Electric Railway, located on the line of
the National Turnpike Road, about two miles west of
She City of Cumberland, in Allegany county, and to
prevent the sale of all kinds of intoxicating drinks in
the above described limits.
House bill entitled an Act to repeal sections 191,
192, 194 and 199, of Article 2, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," sub-title