valued in their respective counties and in the first four
wards of Baltimore city as laid out, and in the fifth,
sixth, seventh and eighth wards of Baltimore city as
laid out; and in the [ ], tenth., eleventh and twelfth
wards of Baltimore city as laid out; and in the thir-
teenth, fourteenth, niueterntn and twentieth wards of
Baltimore city as laid out: and in the fifteenth, six-
teenth be seventeenth and eighteenth wards of Balti-
more city as laid out; and in the twenty-first and
twenty second wards of Baltimore city as laid out;
and shall return to the said books and lists so pre-
pared, to the County Commissioners of their respective
counties, and to the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore
city according as the said books may relate to persons
or property in said respective counties or in Baltimore
city, the said several books and indices shall be re-
turned as aforesaid to the respective County Commis-
sioners of the respective counties in this State, and to
the Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore city, not later than
sixty days after they shall have begun their work of
reviewing the retuins of said assessors in the several
counties, and on or before the thirty-first day of
December, in Baltimore city, unless the Governor of
. this State, for good cause shown to him, shall extend
the time of making any one or more of said returns as
he is hereby empowered to do.
189. That it shall be the duty of the respective
Boards of County Commissioners for the several
counties of this State, and of the Appeal Tax Court of
Baltimore city, between the first day of January and
the fifteenth day of April in the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-three, and between the same days in
every year thereafter, to carefully examine all the
schedules required by section one hundred and seventy-
nine of this Act to be returned to them, and to make
such alterations and additions from time to time in
the book's required to be returned to them by the
assessors of their respective counties or the city of
Baltimore by section one hundred and eighty of this
Act as they may from said schedules or any of them
ascertain to have been made in or to the assessable
personal property of any person or persons furnishing
said schedule or schedules, but no property shall be
by any of the said respective Boards of County Com-