the streets, lanes and alleys of said town, and impose a tax
on any lot or lots fronting on any street, lanes or alley for
the purpose of grading, regulating, paving and repairing
the footways in front thereof, or to compel by fines or other-
wise, the owner or owners of any lot or lots to pave or repair
the footways in front thereof agreeable to the ordinances to
be passed by said commissioners, and they shall have power
to open and establish new streets, lanes and alleys, and to
straighten and widen old streets, lanes and alleys, and to
provide for the payment of damages, and expenses incurred
by opening, widening or straightening the streets, lanes
and alleys as aforesaid, by levying and assessing the same
generally upon the whole assessable property of the town,
or upon the persons to be benefited thereby, that the com-
missioners are also empowered to erect lamps and to provide
for the lighting of the same, also to provide for public water
pumps, and also a public pound for the purpose of impound-
ing trespassing stock and shall fix the amount of fines for
every head of stock so impounded, and also that such stock
shall be liable for all fines, costs and feeding the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 7th, 1892.
AN ACT to protect brook trout in Baltimore County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall not be lawful in Baltimpre County
for any person to take, catch or kill any brook trout less
than six inches in length or in any manner or by any con-
trivance whatsoever saving only with line and hook baited
or tied with the artificial fly, or to take, catch or kill or have
in his possession any brook trout except during the mouths
of March, April, May and June, under a penalty of ten dol-
lars for each and every brook trout so taken, caught, killed
or had in his possession ; but this section shall not prevent
any person or corporation from catching brook trout in any
manner or at any time in waters owned by him or them or
upon his or their premises to stock other waters.
SEC. 2. That any violation of the preceding section may be
prosecuted by any citizen of said county before any justice
whom to,
be pre-
of the peace or Circuit Court for said conuty or a justice of
the peace of the city or county or Circuit Court for the