AN ACT to amend and change the legislative district lines
of the second and third legislative districts of Baltimore
City, as now defined by an ordinance by the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, number thirty-six, approved
April the sixth eighteen hundred and eighty- two, and
passed in conformity with the requirements of an act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, chapter two, passed
at January session of eighteen hundred and eighty-two
entitled an act to provide for the re-division of the City
of Baltimore, into election precincts, wards and legisla-
tive districts ; and section three of chapter four, of the
Public Local Laws, title " City of Baltimore " sub-title
" Mayor and City Council. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the legislative districts lines of the second
and third legislative districts of Baltimore City, as now
described and defined by an ordinance by the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, number thirty-six, approved
April the sixth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and
passed in conformity with the requirements of an act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, chapter two, passed at
January session eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled
an act to provide for the re -division of the city of Baltimore,
into election precincts, wards and legislative districts, and
by section three, article four, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title " City of Baltimore " sub-title " Mayor and City
Council " are hereby amended and changed so as to read as
follows :
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the second legislative
district, shall be and consist of the seventh, eighth, and
Second leg-
ninth precincts of the seventh ward, the eighth, ninth,
islative dis-
tenth, eleventh, twelth, thirteenth and twenty-second
wards, and the first, second, third, and fouth precincts of
the twenty-first ward ; and the third legislative districts,
shall be and consist of the fourteenth, fifteenth, seven-
teenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth wards ; and
the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth precincts of the
twenty-first ward, of Baltimore City.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of acts
whether the same be public general acts or public local
acts, and all ordinances of the mayor and city council of