two hundred and thirty -two B, two hundred and thirty-two
C, two hundred and thirty-two D, two hundred and
thirty-two E."
SEC. 232 A. No individual company or corporation, now
or hereafter owning, controlling, managing or operating
any telephone line or lines within the limits of any city,
town or village in the State of Maryland, shall charge
collect or receive, as rental for the use at any and all hours
of the day and night, of such telephone and lines connecting
with a central exchange, or point of communication through
which conversation may be held, over all other lines con-
necting with such exchange, or point of communication, in
such city or town, any sum exceeding six dollars and fifty
cents per month, when one telephone only is rented by one
individual, company or corporation, located within a radius
of two miles from the central exchange, and one dollar
additional per month for every additional mile distant
from said exchange; where two or more telephones are
rented by the same individual, company or corporation,
located within a radius of two miles from the central
exchange, the rental per month for each telephone so rented,
shall not exceed five dollars and fifty cents per month, and
one dollar per month for every additional mile distant from
said exchange ; provided, that the individual, company or
corporation desiring to use such telephone and lines shall
agree to contract for the use of such telephone and lines for
a period of not less than six months.
SEC. 232 B. Where any two cities, towns or villages are
connected by wire operated, managed, controlled or owned
by any individual, company or corporation, the price for
the use of any telephone for the purpose of conversation
between such cities, towns or villages, shall not exceed
fifteen cents for the first five minutes, and for each addi-
tional five minutes no sum exceeding five cents shall be
charged, collected or received.
SEC. 2.32 C. The word "telephone" wherever used in
Meaning of
this act, shall be construed to include, and consist of a
receiver, a transmitter, amagnetto or call-bell, or cell bat-
tery, a back-board, a battery box and all necesssary appli-
ances now and hereafter in use for and constituting a tele-
phone equipment as now are heretofore rented by telephone
companies to their patrons and subscribers.
SEC. 232 D. Every telephone company with wires wholly
or partly within this State and engaged in a general tele-
phone business, shall, within the local limits of such tele-
phone company's business, supply all applicants for telephone