cars, depots, stations or other property belonging to said
railway, the person or persons so offending shall forfeit and
pay for each such offense a sum not exceeding fifty dollars,
to be recovered and disposed of as other fines and penalties
in said State of Maryland, and shall remain liable, in addi-
tion to said penalty, for any loss or damage sustained by
his, her or their act, as aforesaid ; but no suit shall be
brought unless commenced within sixty days after such
offense shall be committed.
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the main line of said
road from the northeast boundary line of the District of
Columbia to the village of Branchville shall be commenced
and com-
within twelve months and completed within three years
from and after the passage of this act, and any extension
beyond Branchville and towards Laurel within the time
named in section one of this act.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 31st, 1892.
AN ACT to incorporate the Isle of Wight Inlet and Oyster
Planting Company of Worcester County.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Clayton J. Purnell, George M. Upshur,
Frank A. Furst, Martin Wagner. James S. Woodside,
George T. Gambrill, their associates and successors, and all
other persons who may be stockholders as hereinafter pro-
vided, are hereby constituted and made a body corporate by
the name of the Isle of Wight Inlet and Oyster Planting
Company of Worcester County, for the purpose of construct-
ing an inlet or a canal for the salting Isle of Wight, Assa-
woman and Synepuxent Bays and tributaries for oyster
planting and farming only, the object of which shall be to
connect the waters of the Isle of Wight, Assawoman and
Synepuxent Bays in Worcester County, with the Atlantic
Ocean, with all the works, banks, locks and appurtenances
that may be necessary for the introduction of salt water for
the cultivation and planting of oysters ; and by the afore-
said corporate name, the said Clayton J. Purnell, George
M. Upshur, Frank A. Furst, Martin Wagner, James S.
Woodside, George T. Gambrill, their associates and
successors, and all the persons who may be stockholders as