WHEREAS the General Assembly of Maryland did by
chapter three' hundred and ninety of the acts of eighteen
hundred and ninety authorize, empower and enable the
County Commissioners of Caroline County to aid the Chesa-
peake and Delaware Railway in the construction of the branch
railroad authorized by the Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland of eighteen hundred and eighty-six, chapter two
hundred and sixty, by issuing the bonds of said county to
the amount of sixty thousand dollars for the purpose of rais-
ing money to be expended in such construction, and to levy
a tax on the taxable property of said county for the payment
of the interest and principal of said bonds.
AND WHEREAS in and by the said act of eighteen hundred
and ninety, chapter three hundred and ninety, the question
whether or not said aid should be granted to the said Dela-
ware and Chesapeake Railway was authorized to be submitted
and was duly submitted to the voters of Caroline County,
according to the provisions of said act of eighteen hundred
and ninety, chapter three hundred and ninety, and amajority
of the said votes were cast for such aid, and whereas the said
act of eighteen hundred and ninety, and a majority of the
said votes were cast for such aid, and whereas the said act
of eighteen hundred and ninety was duly published in the
newspapers of Caroline County for two mouths before the
next election therereatter for members of the General As-
sembly according to the provisions of article tliree, section
fifty-four, of the Constitution of the State of Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the aid to the Delaware and Chesapeake
Railway by the County Commissioners of. Caroline County
in the construction of the branch railroad authorized by
chapter two hundred and sixty of the acts of eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-six, by issuing the bonds of said county to
the amount of sixty thousand dollars, for the purpose of
raising money to be expended in said construction of said
branch railroad, and to levy a tax on the taxable property
of said county for the payment of the interest and principal
of said bonds as authorized by the Act of the General As-
sembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred and ninety, chapter
three hundred and ninety be, and the same is hereby ratified,
confirmed and approved.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That the County Commissioners of
Caroline County be, and are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to aid the Delaware and Chesapeake Railway in the
construction of the said branch railroad authorized by chapter
two hundred and sixty of the acts of eighteen hundred and