seventeen, title "Prince George's county," by adding thereto a new
section, to be designated "290 A," under the sub-title "Sabbath
No. 274. An act to incorporate the Washington and Laurel traction
company...................... ...................................................
No. 27.5. An act to provide a further supplement to an act entitled
an act to incorporate the Broadway and Locust Point steam ferry
company of Maryland, and to grant a right to borrow certain sums
of money and extend the time for the corporate existence of the
said corporation .................................................................
No. 276. An act to create a new precinct in Cambridge, or seventh
election district of Dorchester county, to be known as the "Third,
or Dailsville precinct"......... ............................................ .
No. 277. An act to repeal section one hundred and seventy-eight, of
article twelve, of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Garrett county," sub-title "Oakland," and to re-enact the same
with amendments, authorizing the mayor and council of Oakland
to levy needful taxes on the assessable property within the town,
liable to taxation, and to provide for collecting the same .........
No. 278. An act to legalize and make valid and effectual the acts of
Laurence P. Ashton, a justice of the peace of the State of Mary-
land, in Easton district number six, of Dorchester county, who
was appointed May the twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and eighty-
eight, and who, after resigning, continued to perform the duties of
said office until he again qualified June the sixth, eighteen hun-
dred and eighty-nine.............................. ................... ......
No. 279. An act to repeal an act passed by the January session, of
eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter four hundred and sixty-six,
entitled an act to distribute the academic and high school fund of
Carroll county to the Western Maryland college and Manchester
academy, in Carroll county, and to re-enact the same with amend-
ments................. .................................. . . ..........
No. 280. An act to add a further supplement to the act incorporating
the mutual fire insurance company of Cecil county, chapter two
hundred and forty-nine, of the acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, of eighteen hundred and forty-five.............................
No. 281. An act to repeal section seventy-nine, of article two, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel county," sub-title
"Birds, game and foxes," and re-enact the same with amendments..
No. 282. An act to add an additional section, to be designated as
"Section eighty-nine A," to article fifty-six, of the Code of Public
General Laws, entitled "Licenses"......... .................................
No. 283. An act authorizing the Union Bridge water company of
Carroll county, Maryland, to issue bonds or certificates of indebt-
edness to an amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars..........
No. 284. An act to authorize and empower the commissioners of
Mechanicstown to purchase a lot of ground in Mechanicstown and