on the taxable inhabitants of said counties, and to make said bridge
a free public bridge or thoroughfare, and to appoint a keeper there-
for, and to provide for the payment of the keeper's salary and keep-
ing said bridge in repair, and to provide for taking the sense of the
people of said counties, preliminary to the exercise of the aforesaid
powers passed at the January session, eighteen hundred .and eighty-
eight, of the General Assembly of Maryland, chapter three hun-
dred and seventy-six, and to vest other and additional powers
in the county commissioners of said counties relating to the pur-
chase of the capital stock of said Chester river bridge company.....
No. 86. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, section two
hundred and twenty-five, of article sixteen, of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Chancery," sub-title "Witnesses" .............
No. 87. An act to pay the expenses of the commission called "The
State prison removal commission," appointed by the governor of the
State, as directed by resolution number five, passed at the January
session, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, of the General Assembly
of Maryland......................................................................
No. 88. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay a deficiency in
the expenses of the office of the clerk of the circuit court number
two, of Baltimore city, for the year ending November twenty-
seventh, eighteen hunidred and eighty-nine, from the excess of fees
of the clerks of the courts of Baltimore city, received and paid by
them to the State for the fiscal year ending September thirtieth,
eighteen hundred and eighty-nine..... .............. ...................
No. 89. An act to permit fishing with pound-nets in the waters of the
Sassafras river, from Luke's point to the head of said river..........
No. 90. An act to refund to David Thum, late sheriff of Washington
county, the sum of seventy-one dollars and sixty-eight cents ($71.68)
erroneously paid by him as said sheriff into the State treasury......
No. 91. An act to amend article fifty-six, of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Licenses," sub-title "Traders," by adding sections
to be called "Section fifty-four A and section fifty-four B"...........
No. 92. An act to authorize the county commissioners of Queen Anne's
county to grant a pension, not exceeding fifty dollars, to Joseph P.
White, of said county, and to levy said amount on the assessable
property of said county....................... ............................
No. 93. An act to pay George W. Jacoby, former collector of State
taxes for the first election district of Kent county, a sum of money
for State taxes paid by him into the treasury erroneously.............
No. 94. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, section one
hundred and thirty-seven, of article three, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, volume one, title "Baltimore county," sub- title "Justices
of the peace and constables"........................., .......... .........
No. 95. An act to repeal section thirty-five, of article tvventy-six, of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Courts," sub-title "Court
of Appeals," relating to the compensation of the crier of the court