Twenty-second. To the bequest of one thousand dollars to St.
To bequest
Mary's church in Harford county, contained in the last will and
testament of Mary E. Fernandis; late of Harford county, deceased.
Twenty-third. To the trustees of Washington street station of
To bold
and dis-
the methodist protestant church in the city of Baltimore, to hold
pose of.
and dispose of certain property on the corner of Lombard and
Washington streets in said city.
Twenty-fourth. To two bequests of five thousand dollars each,
To two be-
of George W. Holmes, late of Carroll county, deceased, to the
protestant episcopal convention of the diocese of Maryland.
Twenty-fifth. To the acquisition by the vestry of Christ church
To acquisi-
in the city of Baltimore, of the lot of ground at the southeast
corner of Fayette and Gay streets in said city.
Twenty-sixth. To the gift, devise and bequest of Mary A.
To gift
Keefer, late of Westminster, Carroll county, Maryland, deceased
to the trustees of the centenary methodist episcopal church of
Westminster, Carroll county.
To bequest
Twenty-seventh. To the bequests of Agusta Sargable, William
Woolsey and John Barnes, late of Harford county, deceased, to
the trustees of the Churchville presbyterian congregation, in
Harford county.
Twenty-eighth. To the bequest of Amy Jane Funk, late of
To bequest
Washington county, deceased, contained in her last will and
testament to the trustees of the Christian church, at Beaver creek,
Washington county, Maryland.
Twenty-ninth. To the bequest of Mary Ann Myers, late of
To bequest
Washington county, deceased, to the united brethern church at
Keedysville, Washington county, Maryland, as contained in her
last will and testament.
Thirtieth. To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
To bequest
ment of John C. Adams, late of Talbot county, deceased, to the
convention of the protestant episcopal church, in the diocese of
Easton, for the use of the clergy relief fund of said convention. .
Thirty-first. To the bequest contained in the last will and tes-
To bequest
tament of Henrietta Byrd, late of Wicomico county, deceased, to
the trustees of St. Peter's protestant episcopal church of Salisbury,
Wicomico county, Maryland.
Thirty-second. To the several deeds to the associate reformed
To several
congregation of Baltimore, for property held by it in the city of
Baltimore, to wit : a lot situate on the north side of Fayette street,
between Charles and Liberty streets, conveyed to it by several
deeds, to wit : a deed from James Campbell and others, W. J.
Merdebaugh, trustee, and John W. Garrett and wife; also for a
lot of ground on Columbia avenue, conveyed to it by Wallace
King, and for a lot of ground on the northwest corner of Preston
street and Maryland avenue.