AN ACT to amend article fifteen, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Kent county," sub-title "County Commissioners,"
by adding five new sections thereto requiring the county com-
missioners to appoint a county treasurer, and to define his
powers" and duties, to follow section eighty-seven, and to be-
known as "Sections eighty-seven A, eighty-seven B, eighty-
seven C, eighty-seven D and eighty-seven E."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That five new sections be and the same are hereby added to article-
To add.
fifteen, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Kent county,"
sub-title "County Commissioners," to follow section eighty-seven,.
and to be designated as "eighty-seven A, eighty-seven B, eighty-
seven C, eighty-seven D and eighty-seven E."
87 A. The county commissioners of Kent county, at their first
regular meeting in the month of April, beginning with the year
eighteen hundred and ninety, and at the aforesaid time of regular
meeting every two. years thereafter, shall appoint some citizen of
said county, other than the clerk to said commissioners, to be-
county treasurer, who shall hold his office for two years, whose
duty it shall be to collect all State and county taxes levied in
Kent county, and said treasurer shall assess all new or unassessed
To assess.
property in said county; and for this purpose he is clothed with
all the powers possessed by collectors of taxes under the pro-
visions of the Code of Public General Laws, and said treasurer
may appoint one. or more deputies, who shall be authorized to act
in his place, for whose acts he shall be responsible, and to whom
he may pay such compensation as he may deem proper, to be de-
ducted from his salary, and said treasurer shall receive an annual
salary of eighteen hundred dollars, and the further sum of twenty-
five cents for each person's property assessed by him, and five cents
for each dog or bitch returned to the county commissioners and by
them ordered to be entered on the assessment books of the county,
but dogs in incorporated towns which impose a tax thereon shall
not be assessed by the county commissioners; said treasurer shall