side of the middle branch of the Patapsco river below the mouth
of Gwinn's Falls, thereby affording a connection between the
Western Maryland railroad and tidewater on the south side of the
said middle branch of the Patapsco river; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed important that a connection should
also be effected between the said Western Maryland railroad and
tidewater on the north side of the Patapsco river; therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Western Maryland tidewater railroad company, incor-
porated under the act of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, chap-
ter two hundred and forty-two, -on the fourteenth day of Decem-
ber, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, in addition to the au-
thority to construct and operate the railroad provided by its char-
ter, be and the same is hereby authorized and empowered to con-
struct and operate a railroad with single or double track, begin-
ning at or near Arlington station on the main line of the Western
Maryland railroad near where said main line crosses the northern
boundary of Baltimore city; thence following as nearly as practi-
cable the northern boundary line of said city and crossing Jones
Falls and the Northern Central railway about half a mile north
To con-
struct and
of Woodberry by an overhead crossing only; thence along the
valley of Jones' Falls, for the greater part of the distance on the
left side thereof through the city of Baltimore, to a connection
with the present tracks of the Western Maryland railroad near
Hillen station in said city; and thence southwardly along Jones'
Falls and as near thereto as practicable to a point near Canton
avenue; thence eastwardly along Aliceanna street by a single track
to Boston street; and thence along Boston street by a single track
to the eastern boundary of Baltimore city; thence eastwardly and
southwardly by the most direct practicable line through Balti-
more county to a connection with the Baltimore and Sparrows'
point railroad near Colgate's creek, with authority to construct
branches from the main line to such points on navigable water
within the city of Baltimore as may be approved and allowed by
the mayor and city council of Baltimore; provided, however, that
the mayor and city council of Baltimore may require said railroad
to be constructed between Jones' Falls and the eastern boundary
of the city of Baltimore on any other streets than those above
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said company may construct
one or more connections with the railroads of the Belt Line rail-
road company and the Maryland Central railroad company,at con-
May con-
venient points north of North avenue in the city of Baltimore,
and also with the railroads of the Northern Central railway com-
pany and the Union railroad company between North avenue and
Greenmonnt avenue.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said railroad company shall