within or upon said street, lane or alley, for which
such owner or possessor ought to pay a compensa-
tion, said benefits shall be assessed and paid by
the owner or possessor in like manner as above
provided; to erect and repair bridges; to have,
construct and keep in repair all necessary drains,
and sewers, and to pass all necessary regulations for
the regulation, repair and preservation of the same ;
to regulate and fix the assize of bread ; to provide for
Define duties
the appointment, and define the duties of city com-
of city com-
missioner, &c
missioner, police officers, market masters, gaugers,
wood corders, harbor masters, hay weighers coal
weighers and inspectors, and all other officers which
they may create, and to define the duties and com-
pensation thereof; to provide for the safe keeping
of the standard of the weights and measures, fixed
by Congress, or by an act of the State of Maryland,
and for regulating thereby all weights and measures
used within the city ; to regulate party walls and
partition fences ; to erect and regulate markets ; to
provide for licensing and regulating the sweeping
and burning of chimneys, and fixing the rates there-
of, and to prescribe the size of those to be built in
the city ; to establish and regulate fire wards and
Regulate fire
fire companies ; to restrain or prohibit gaming ; to
license bowling saloons, bowlings alleys, nine or ten
pin alleys, billiard tables, rondo tables, bagatelle
tables, or any other tables or devices, or structures
of a similar kind ; to license carriages of pleasure
and burden, and to provide for licensing, regulating
or restraining theatrical or other public amusements
within the limits of the city ; to license hawkers,
pedlers, travelling physicians, vendors of patent
medicines or other articles, and their vehicles; to
sink wells; to make and regulate pumps, water
pipes, hydrants, water plugs, fountains, sewers, and
so forth, in the streets, lanes and alleys of the city,
and to pass laws to protect the same ; to impose and
appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures for the
breach of their by-laws and ordinances ; to levy and
Levy and col-
collect taxes, not exceeding one per centum per an-
lect taxes.
num on all the assessable property in the city ; to pass
ordinances for the prevention and extinguishment
of fires, and for paving and keeping in repair the
streets, lanes and alleys in said city; and in addition
to the power aforesaid, to tax any particular part or