from Upper Marlborough to the Holy Rosary Church
back of the residence of A. T. Brooke, then in an
air or direct line across the land of Miss Catharine
J. Gaston to the Federal Spring Branch, at a point
which will throw into the corporation all the land
purchased by Thomas E. Williams and C. C. Ma-
gruder, jr., of the trustees of Dr. Benadict J. Gardi-
ner, then down and with the meanders of said Federal
Spring Branch on the south side thereof, and exclu-
sive of said branch to its mouth, the beginning point
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the citizens of
Time of elec-
Upper Marlborough shall, on the first Thursday in
April, eighteen hundred and eighty, and every two
years thereafter, on the same day of said month, elect
three commissioners to serve for two years from the
date of their election and until their successors are
elected and qualified, who shall have the manage-
Power to pass
ment of the town, and shall have full power to pass
and enact all such laws and ordinances as they may
deem wise, equitable and expedient for the comfort,
health, convenience and prosperity of said town and
its inhabitants ; to impose and appropriate fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures for the breach of any of their
by-laws or ordinances; to lay and levy taxes upon
all kinds of property for the purpose of carrying into
effect the powers herein conferred; provided that
Taxes not to
said taxes shall not exceed twenty cents on every one
hundred dollars worth of taxable property in any one
year, which tax shall be collected by a person ap-
pointed by said town commissioners for the purpose.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
Levy dog tax
are authorized to levy and cause to be collected the
sum of one dollar for one dog, and one dollar for
each additional dog, and two dollars for one bitch,
and three dollars lor each additional bitch, kept,
owned or possessed by each person or persons re-
turned as the owner or owners thereof, within said
corporate limits, and said commissioners are hereby
Direct officer
empowered to direct the officer appointed to preserve
to kill dog
the peace of said town, to kill any dog or bitch with-
in the limits of said corporation, for which no owner
can be found, and also any dog or bitch whose owner