pharmacist, physician, dentist or veterinary surgeon, his license
shall be revoked; half of the fines to go to the Maryland board
of pharmacy for prosecuting this law. It shall be the duty of
all judges of the courts having criminal jurisdiction in this
State, at every regular term thereof, to charge all regularly im-
paneled grand juries to diligently inquire into and investigate
all cases of the violations of the provisions of said sections
and to make a true presentment of all persons guilty of such
violations. It shall be the duty of the Maryland board of
pharmacy to cause the prosecution of all persons violating said
sections. No prosecution shall be brought for the sale of any
patent or proprietary medicine containing any of the drugs or
preparations hereinbefore mentioned until the Maryland board
of pharmacy shall certify that such medicine contains any of
the said drugs or preparations in excess of the maximum per-
centages hereinbefore mentioned.
1906, ch. 523, sec. 4.
237 C. In any proceedings under the provisions of said sec-
tions the charge may be brought against any or all of the
members of a partnership or against the directors or executive
officers of a corporation, or against the agent of any person,
partnership or corporation.
Ibid. sec. 5.
287 D. All criminal proceedings pending, or which may be
hereafter instituted for offense already committed shall be
instituted, proceeded with and prosecuted to final determina-
tion and judgment, as if these sections 237-237 C had not been
In force from June 1, 1900.
Milk—Transportation of by Common Carriers.
1906, ch. 472 1/2.
305 A, On and after April 15, 1906, no common carrier
shall charge for performing the acts of receiving, hauling, icing,
or delivery between any two stations, wharves or other regular
stopping places on its line or branch line, for a distance not
exceeding thirty (30) miles, a total rate greater than two (2)
cents per gallon for milk or cream, or one and one-half (1 1/2)
cents per gallon for butter-milk or skim-milk, or two and one-