ART. 83. ] SALES IN BULK. 155
of such stock of goods, wares or merchandise; and whenever
any person shall purchase any stock of goods, wares or mer-
chandise in bulk, or shall pay the purchase price, or any part
thereof, or execute or deliver to the vendor thereof, or to his
order, or to any person for his use, any promissory note or
other evidence of indebtedness for said stock, or any part
thereof, without having first demanded and received from his
vendor the statement under oath as provided in section 18, and
without having notified or caused to be notified all of the credi-
tors of the vendor named in such statement as in the section
presented, such purchase, sale or transfer shall to any and to
all subsisting creditors of the vendor be conclusively presumed
fraudulent and void.
1900, ch. 579. 1906, ch. 421.
20. Any sale or transfer of a stock of goods, wares or mer-
chandise out of the usual or ordinary course of the busi-
ness in the trade of the vendor, or whenever thereby substan-
tially the entire business trade theretofore conducted by the
vendor shall be sold or conveyed, or attempted to be sold or
conveyed, to one or more persons, shall be deemed a sale or
transfer in bulk, in contemplation of this law.
1906, ch. 421.
21. Nothing contained in the three foregoing sections shall
apply to sales made by executors, administrators, receivers or
any public officer conducting a sale in his official capacity, nor
to any deed of trust executed for the benefit of creditors.
Approved April 3, 1906.