Charles, Kent and Talbot between the twenty-fourth day of
December and the first day of November in each and every
year; and no person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill
in the counties of Carroll, Harford, Anne Arundel, St. Mary's,
Queen Anne's and Cecil any partridge, quail, pheasant or
rabbit between the twenty-fourth day of December and the
tenth day of November following in each and every year; and
no person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill any of
the aforesaid birds or game animals in the counties of Dor-
chester, Wicomico or Worcester between the first day of
February and the tenth day of November in each and every
year, under a penalty of not less than one ($1) dollar nor more
than ten ($10) dollars for each of the aforesaid birds or game
animals so shot, caught or killed; provided, however, that it
shall be lawful in all the counties of this State to shoot wood-
cock during the month of July.
Dickhaut v. State, 85 Md 459.
1888, art. 99, sec. 14. 1860, art. 98, sec. 14. 1858, ch. 263, sec. 4
1898, ch. 206. 1900, ch. 303. 1902, ch. 70.
14. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill in
this State any squirrel between the first day of December and
the first day of September following in each and every year,
under a penalty of not less than one ($1) dollar nor more than
five ($5) dollars for each squirrel so shot, caught or killed.
Ibid. sec. 15. 1860, art. 98, sec. 15. 1862, ch. 43. 1878, ch 460.
1898, ch 206.
15. No person shall shoot or in any manner catch or kill in
this State any wild duck, blackhead duck, wild goose, wild
swan or wild brant between the tenth day of April and first day
of November in each and every year, under a penalty of not less
than one ($1) dollar nor more than ten ($10) dollars for each of
the aforesaid birds so shot, caught or killed; provided, that in
Charles county it shall not be lawful to shoot or in any manner
catch or kill any acorn or genuine duck between the tenth day
of April and the first day of October in each and every year;
and provided further, that this section shall not apply to
Worcester county; and provided further, that nothing con-
tained in this sub-title is intended to interfere with or in any
manner repeal the public local laws of Cecil and Harford
counties, regulating the shooting of wild fowl in those parts of
the waters of the Susquehanna river, Chesapeake bay, commonly
called the Susquehanna flats.