witz, 62 Md. 183. Baldwin v State use of Hull, 89 Md. 601. Oesterla v.
Gaither, 90 Md. 45.
1888, art 93, sec. 238. 1860, art. 93, sec. 238. 1831, ch. 315, sec. 12.
242. If an administrator shall believe that any person con-
ceals any part of his decedent's estate he may file a petition in
the orphans' court of the county in which he obtained admin-
istration, alleging such concealment, and the court shall compel
an answer thereto on oath; and if satisfied upon an examina-
tion of the whole case that the party charged has concealed
any part of the personal estate of the deceased, may order the
delivery thereof to the administrator, and may enforce obedi-
ence to such order by attachment, imprisonment or sequestra-
tion of property.
Taylor v Bruscup, 27 Md. 219. Cannon v. Crook, 32 Md. 482. Worthing-
ton v. Herron, 39 Md. 145. Abbott v. Golibart, 39 Md. 554. Smith v. Stock-
bridge, 39 Md. 640. Hignutt v. Cranor, 62 Md. 216. Gibson v. Cook, 62
Md. 256. Macgill v. Hyatt, 80 Md. 256 Daugherty v. Daugherty, 82 Md.
231. Linthicum v. Polk, 93 Md. 91. Jones, Admr. v. Harbaugh, 93 Md. 284.
Ibid sec. 239. 1860, art. 93, sec. 239. 1831, ch. 315, sec. 13.
243. The provisions of the aforegoing section are extended
to all cases where any person interested in any decedent's
estate shall by bill or petition allege that the administrator has
concealed, or has in his hands and has omitted to return in the
inventory or lists of debts any part of his decedent's'assets;
and if the court shall finally adjudge and decree in favor of the
allegations of such petition or bill, in whole or in part, they
shall order an additional inventory, or list of debts, as the
case may be, to be returned by the administrator, and appraise-
ment to be made accordingly, to comprehend the assets omitted;
and such additional inventory or list of debts shall have the
same effect to all intents and purposes as any inventory or list
of debts before returned; and the court may compel obedience
to the said order by attachment and imprisonment and seques-
tration, of property; and if the said administrator shall, either
before or after such process of attachment, imprisonment and
sequestration, fail to comply with such order, his letters of
administration may be revoked, and the court may direct his
bond to be put in suit; and the assets ordered to be comprised
in such additional inventory or list of debts shall be decreed
and taken to be within the condition of said bond.
Beall v Hilliary, 1 Md. 197. Hesson v. Hesson, 14 Md. 8. Hignutt v.
Cranor, 62 Md. 216. Whiting v. Whiting, 64 Md. 157. Linthicum v. Polk,