officers; the official returns of the State election of each year;
a list of State, educational, charitable, reformatory and benevo-
lent institutions, with the amounts appropriated to each by
the State; the amounts paid by counties to the public schools
of the State on account of the public school tax; the gross
and net debt of the State at the close of each fiscal year; the
area, population, assessable basis and tax rates in the several
counties of the State and the city of Baltimore; the construc-
tion of the judicial system of the State; the official payroll of
the State, and such other information as his judgment may
deem right and proper.
1890, ch. 240, sec. 3.
8. The said manual shall be distributed as follows : Twenty-
five copies bound in cloth to the Maryland State library; ten
copies, two of which shall be bound in cloth, to each of the
members of the legislature; one copy to each of the clerks of
the circuit courts of the State and the several courts in
Baltimore city; one copy to each of the boards of county
commissioners of this State, and the remaining number to the
executive department, to be distributed by the secretary of
State to each of the several States of the Union, to the public
libraries in this and other States, and to officials and citizens
of this State.
Ibid. sec. 4.
9. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
sub-title—compiling, printing and distributing said manual—
the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is hereby annually appropriated; and the comp-
troller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant
upon the treasurer, who is hereby directed to pay the same, in
favor of the secretary of State upon the presentation of proper
vouchers by him that the work above mentioned has been
fully done, which vouchers shall be filed in the office of the
1. Owners of sheep may kill sheep-
killing dogs.
2. Owner of sheep killed or injured
may recover damages from
owner of dogs; proceedings
before justice of the peace;
excepted counties.
3-4. Special provisions for Caroline,
Cecil, Dorchester, Howard,
Wicomico and Worcester