78. Catching black bass, etc., at
other than designated times ;
79. Catching certain fish less than
designated size; penalty.
80. Obstructing fish streams; pen-
81. Failure to keep fish ladders in
repair; penalty.
82. Throwing explosive substances
in fish waters; penalty.
83. Emptying net or seine upon
beach; penalty.
84. Jurisdiction of justices of the
peace under sections 78-85;
throwing slab of timber in fish
waters; penalty.
85. Possession or sale of fish to be
evidence; proviso.
86. To what counties provisions of
sections 78-85 not applicable.
Exploding Dynamite to Catch
87. Unlawful to use explosives to
catch fish in Chesapeake bay.
88. Penalty.
89. Disposition of flues collected.
Commissioners of Fisheries.
90. Two to be appointed biennially
by governor,
91. To inspect waters of State; re-
port to governor.
92. Further duties of.
93. To use all means to destroy
eels; one-fourth of appropria-
tion to be spent in Wicomico
94. To maintain eel pots.
95. Account to be kept of eels de-
96. To sell all eels caught; pro-
ceeds, how to be applied.
97. Removal of commissioners for
refusal to carry out sections
98. To make annual report to gov-
ernor of their work.
99 Annual salary of.
100. Annual appropriation for carry-
ing out the provisions of sec-
tions 91, 92 and 98. Commis-
sioners to make annual re-
Chesapeake Bay.
101. License required for catching
fish in Chesapeake bay below
Pool's Island.
102. Cost of license. Clerk's fee for
collecting license. License to
be credited to the "oyster
103. Oath of applicant for license.
104. Comptroller to have blank
licenses printed.
105. Limits of setting fyke nets and
other like contrivances.
106. Penalties for violating sections
101 to 109.
107. State fishery force to see that
the provisions of sections 101
to 110 are carried out.
108. Application of fines.
109. Where pound nets and stake
nets shall be prohibited; pen-
110. Sheriff and constables to make
111. Sections 101 to 110 not to apply
to "hook and line."
112. Limits defining head waters of
Chesapeake bay.