the cities and according to election precints in the counties,
the names and late residences of all such deceased persons and
have the same printed and furnish a copy of said printed list
to each member of the board of registry of such wards or pre-
cints for their guidance.
1896, ch. 202, sec. 13 1902, ch. 645.
14t Said board of supervisors shall give ten days' notice of
the time and place of registration and of revision thereof and
of elections in each precinct of such county or city by hand
bills set up in the most public places in such precinct and also
in the counties by advertisement in two newspapers (one of
which newspapers if "possible shall be of opposite political
faith from that of the majority of said supervisors) of general
circulation therein, and in the city of Baltimore by advertise-
ment in all the daily newspapers which will' publish the same
at their current rate of advertising. And the sheriff of Balti-
more city and of each county shall no longer publish such
notices of election. Said board shall make all necessary rules
and regulations not inconsistent with this article with reference
to the registration of voters and the conduct of elections, and
they shall have charge of and make provisions for all elections,
general, special, local municipal, State and county, and for all
others of every description to be held in such city or county,
or any part thereof, at any time; all questions shall be
decided by a majority of the board unless otherwise expressly
provided in this article; provided, however, that in any
incorporated city or town in this State (other than the city
of Baltimore) in which the municipal or charter elections
thereof are now regulated by the public local laws of the State
the conduct of such municipal or charter elections shall con-
tinue to be so regulated as heretofore, and such public local
laws shall continue in force therein.
1896, ch. 202, sec. 14.
15. Each judge of election in the city of Baltimore and each
of the two judges of election appointed before the first day of
July in the counties, as provided in section 7, shall also be an
officer of registration in the district or precinct for which he
shall be appointed, and the judges so appointed when duly
qualified shall for their respective districts or precincts, collec-
tively, constitute the board of registry thereof. Said officers