viction thereof before any justice of the peace for Cecil or Kent
counties, pay a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty
dollars for each offence.
1880. ch. 42.
378. All fines imposed under any of said sections, whether
the same may be recovered by action of debt in the name of the
State, which process is hereby authorized, or secured by public
sale, as provided in section 375, shall be divided as follows, viz:
one-half to the informer and the other half to the county commis-
sioners of Cecil or Kent counties, respectively, for the use and
benefit of said county; and all moneys accruing from the sale of
such licenses shall be paid over at the end of the gunning
season to the commissioners of said counties, respectively, to be
applied by them to the use and benefit of said respective counties.
379. All persons holding a license under said sections, are
hereby vested with power and authority to arrest, without warrant,
all persons who may be detected by them in violating any of the
provisions of said sections, or of the provisions of the code of
public general laws regulating the shooting of wild fowl, remain-
ing in force over said waters, and to cany such person before a
justice of the peace, to be dealt with according to law.
1872, ch. 54.
380. All that part of the Chesapeake bay and its waters, lying
northward of the following line, viz: beginning at the light-
house on Turkey point, in Cecil county, and drawn westward to
a point half a mile north of the most northerly part of Spesutia
island; thence continuing said line still westward, within half a
mile of, and north of the northern end of said island and the
adjacent main land, until it reaches the shore in Harford county,
at or near Oakington, shall be subject to the operation of the
twenty-two sections following.
381. The season for shooting wild fowl northward of the line
described in the preceding section, shall begin on the first day of