and upon indictment and conviction in the circuit court for Cecil
county, shall pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars, and not more
than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for
not less than thirty days, nor more than sixty days, or be both
fined and imprisoned in the discretion of the court.
1884, ch. 385.
366. When fines are imposed for violations of said sections,
or any of them, and the offenders refuse to pay the same, then
the special policeman or sheriff or constable may proceed at pub-
lic sale, after giving three weeks' notice of the time and place of
such sale by advertisement in one newspaper in the county, to
dispose of the sink box or other craft, together with the decoys,
tackle and furniture belonging thereto, to the highest bidder for
cash; and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting all legal ex-
penses, shall be appropriated to the payment of the fines, and the
residue, if any, shall be paid to the owner.
1878, ch. 292.
367. Any party against whom any justice of -the peace may
render a judgment under said sections, may, at any time within
ten days thereafter, appeal from such judgment to the circuit
court for Cecil county; but no execution or sale shall be stayed
unless the party appealing shall give bond with two sufficient
securities, to be approved by the justice, to the State of Mary-
land, in double the amount of the fine imposed, conditioned to
prosecute such appeal with effect to the circuit court at its next
session thereafter, and to pay the fine imposed and all costs at-
tending such proceedings, in case judgment shall be affirmed.
368. If any person shall violate any of the provisions of aaid
sections in regard to the shooting of wild fowl, he shall, upon
conviction thereof before any justice of the peace for Cecil
county, be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one
hundred dollars, except as follows: any one who shall shoot wild
fowl from a sink-box, duly licensed as aforesaid, upon any other
day than those mentioned in section 361, shall, upon conviction
thereof before any justice of the peace for Cecil county, pay a