P. L. L., (1860,) art. 6, sec. 3.
3. Each trustee shall be allowed one dollar for each day he
may attend at the almshouse, and mileage for each day's attend-
ance, at the rate of five cents for every mile that his place of
residence is distant from the almshouse.
Ibid. sec. 4.
4. Each trustee, before entering upon the duties of his office
shall take the following oath: " I, A. B., do swear that I will
truly and faithfully discharge the duties and trusts committed to
me as trustee of the poor of Caroline county, so help me God."
Ibid. sec. 5.
5. The said oath shall be administered by the trustee first
named in the appointment, that may be present, to all the rest,
any one of whom being sworn, shall administer the said oath to
Ibid. sec. 6.
6. The trustees so appointed and qualified are vested with full
power as a body politic, to sue and be sued, by the name of "the
trustees of the poor of Caroline county," and by that name may
take and hold any gift, donation or present which may be given,
devised or bequeathed by any person to them, for the support and
maintenance of the poor of said county; and they may purchase
and hold any lands and tenements, not exceeding the yearly value
of three thousand dollars.
Ibid, sec 7.
7. They may use a common seal, and the same, if necessary
may change and alter; and they shall have power to make such
laws, orders and rules for the better relieving, regulating and
setting the poor to work, and for the good government of the
almshouse in said county, as they may deem proper, not contrary
to law.
Ibid. sec. 8.
8. Every person who shall be appointed a trustee of the poor,
who shall wilfully refuse or delay to take upon him the said office,
shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars; but no minister
of the gospel, attorney, practising physician, judge of the circuit