the barter or sale of such game for home consumption only by
residents of said counties within the limits of said counties.
1888, ch. 149.
59. Any person violating any of the provisions of the pre-
ceding section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace of Wor-
cester or Wicomico counties, as the case may be, or before the
circuit court for either of said counties, having jurisdiction, shall
be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five
dollars for each offence, and stand committed until fine and costs
are paid; said fine to go to the informer upon whose evidence the
conviction is obtained.
1884, ch. 70.
60. The citizens of the town of Bishopville, in Worcester
county are constituted a body corporate, by the name of "The
Commissioners of Bishopville," and by that name may sue and
be sued, have and use a common seal, and have perpetual
61. The bounds and limits of the said town are as follows, to
wit: beginning at a crossing on the St. Martin's river, known
as the wading place, on the outskirts of said town, running thence
a northeasterly direction to the east corner of a graveyard in
William H. Collins' field; thence with a straight line to the
Delaware line, where the county road leading out of said town
intersects said State line; thence with said State line to a bridge
near the house of James Timmons on the public road leading out
of said town; thence with a straight line to the house of William
Taylor on a public road; thence with a straight line to a bridge
on the county road at Tull's branch; thence to the aforesaid river
and place of beginning; and the commissioners of said town may
make such alterations in said limits as they may deem advisable,
and cause the same to be surveyed by a competent surveyor, and
the boundaries thereof to be established, and the record thereof
to be filed amongst the records of the corporation.