213. Excess of revenues of joint water
stock company to be paid to
treasurer to reimburse mayor
and council
214. Far value of capital stock, sale
of shares not to exceed fifty to
one subscriber.
215 Water tax.
216. Engineer of water works, salary
217 Election " for or against contract
for water works "
218. Obstruction of public buildings.
219. Doors to be kept open, when such
buildings are open to the public
220. Fine for violation, disposition of
221 Special charges to grand juries
and police authorities upon ex-
ecution of three preceding sec-
tions, nightly examinations to
be made.
222 Corporate powers of.
223. Bounds of
224 Election of burgess, assistant
burgess and three commission-
ers, their qualifications
225 Elections, how conducted, pro-
226 Vacancy, how filled.
227. Second election in case of tie
228. Oath of burgess, assistant buigess
and commissioners, certificate
of oath.
229. Meetings of burgess, assistant
burgess and commissioners, in
absence of burgess, assistant
burgess to preside, fine for
230. Appointment of clerk, compen-
sation of clerk.
231. Duty of clerk.
232. Street ordinances, proprietors of
lots in front to pay for paving.
233. Where the owner ia a non-resi-
dent, tenant to pay and deduct
from rent.
234. Tenant refusing, burgess and
commissioners to recover by
235. Ordinances for government of.
236. Tax not to exceed ten cents on
every hundred dollars, taxes,
how collected.
237 Burgess to be treasurer, his bond
and duty.
238 No note, certificate or device to
be issued as currency.
239. Fines, how recoverable, fine not
to exceed twenty dollars, lock-
up for temporary confinement.
240. Live stock or geese going at
large, to be impounded, cost of
reclaiming live stock and geese;
notice of impounding to be-
241. Ferry across Potomac river to be
kept for public use, levy for
maintenance of ferry.
242 License for huckstering.
243. Cost of license.
244. Fine for violation, how recover-
able; disposition of fines.
245 Corporate powers of
246. Election of burgess, assistant
burgess and five commissioners,,
their qualifications.
247. Elections, how conducted.
248. Second election in case of tie
249. Vacancy, how filled
250. Oath of burgess, assistant burgess
and commissioners, certificate
of oath.