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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1738   View pdf image (33K)
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1738 ST. MARY'S COUNTY. [ART. 19.


P. L. L., (1860,) art. 18, sec. 31.

25. The county commissioners may allow the collector of the
tax for said county a per centum on the amount to be collected
at the rate of not less than five nor more than ten per centum;
but the whole amount of his commission shall not exceed the
sum of eight hundred dollars in any one year.


P. L. L., (1860,) art. 18, sec. 33.

26. There shall be five county commmissioners for St. Mary's

1876, ch. 239.

27. They shall report, annually, to the grand jury, within the
first three days of the September term of the circuit court, a full
and complete statement, in print or in writing, of the expenses of
the county, as provided for at their last annual levy for the same,,
with each class of expenses arranged under its proper heading, and
each item of expense, under the head of "miscellaneous," shall
show for what the expense was incurred.


28. The grand jury to whom the said report shall be made-
shall thoroughly examine and maturely consider the same, and
present to the circuit court, during its session, their opinion and
views of the same, whether all these expenses have been legally
incurred and levied for, and whether they can be lessened with-
out impairing the well-being of the county, and what reforms,
legislative or otherwise, are needed to reduce the county expenses-
and diminish taxation; and the court shall make such order in
the premises as they may deem proper.


29. The presentment of the grand jury, under the preceding
section, together with the report of the county commissioners,
and whatever order the court may make in relation thereto, shall
be filed, for safe keeping and reference, with the clerk of the
circuit court for the county, who shall at the ensuing March term.


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The Maryland Code, Public Local Laws, 1888
Volume 390, Page 1738   View pdf image (33K)
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