ART. 13.] HAVRE DE GRACE. 1343
disorderly conduct and drunkenness in said city; to prevent
and disperse the congregation of disorderly persons upon street
corners and in the vicinity of places of worship; to purchase
such engines (or whatever convenience may be deemed best) for
extinguishing fires and protecting the property of the inhabitants
from injury by fire; to define the duties of the officers of said
corporation; to require bonds and fix the penalties thereof for
the faithful performance of their respective duties, and for con-
ducting elections, and making the returns thereof; and they shall
lave power to enforce their ordinances by fines and penalties.
1878, ch. 440.
153. They shall have power and authority to construct wharves
at the end of such streets as extend into the river; to rent or lease
the same, and determine upon and regulate all matters relating to
the erecting or building of said wharves; and to regulate the
moving of rafts, arks and boats and floats anchored in front of
.said city, to the obstruction of navigation or the health of the
154. They shall have power to lease or rent for a term of
years not exceeding ten years, the bed of any street, or parts of
streets, in the unimproved portion of the said city of Havre de
Grace, to the owners of property lying adjacent to the said bed
of said street; provided, that no lease shall be granted to the bed
of any of said streets whereby the rights of any person owning
property on any of said streets are interfered with; nor shall the
bed of any of the said streets be leased, by which convenient
access with carriages or other vehicles to or from any cemetery
may be interfered with, unless the authorities of the church to
which said cemetery belongs shall first assent to the leasing of
the same; nor shall the bed of any of said streets leading to any
wharf be leased, unless the owner or renter of said wharf shall
first assent to the leasing of the same.
155. Whenever they shall levy any tax, they shall cause to be
made out an alphabetical list of the persons chargeable therewith,
and shall affix opposite their names the respective sums to be