1886, ch. 190.
81. It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide resi-
dent of said counties, to shoot any partridges, woodcock or rab-
bits in the said counties, without having first obtained from the
clerk of the circuit court for said counties a license permitting
the person named in said license to shoot said game in said coun-
ties for one year from the day on which said license is issued;
and the person named therein, or party procuring such license,
shall pay to said clerk for such license the sum of six dollars,
which amount shall be turned over by the said clerk to the board
of school commissioners for the use of the public schools, and
fifty cents to the clerk for his fee for issuing said license; and
any non-resident convicted before a justice of the peace of said
counties, for gunning within the limits of said counties without a
license so to do, shall be fined ten dollars for each and every
offence; on failure to pay said fine the offender shall be confined
in the county jail of the county in which the offence is com-
mitted, for ten days; provided, that any landowner may extend
the privilege of killing said game upon his own land to
whomsoever he may; in case of conviction for any such offence,
one-half of all fines imposed shall be paid to the informer, and
the other half of said fines imposed shall be paid to the board of
county school commissioners for the county in which the offence
shall occur, for the use of the public schools in the county in
which such fines shall be imposed.
82. The possession by any person within said counties of any
of the birds mentioned in sections 78 and 79, or any rabbit, at
any time in which the shooting or trapping of the same is pro-
hibited by said sections, shall be prima fade evidence of the
violation thereof.
83. The fines which may be collected by any justice of the
peace of said counties under the eight preceding sections, and the
money paid to said clerk of the circuit court for licenses under
section 81, shall be paid by said justice of the peace and the
clerk to the county commissioners for said counties, to be by
them placed to the credit of the school fund for said counties.