ART. 2. ] ANNAPOLIS. 113
served and continued forever to the uses to which they have been
allotted, and the judges of the several courts which have usually
held their courts in the said city, in the public court-house thereof
shall and may continue to do so; and the justices of the peace,
county commissioners and sheriff of Anne Arundel county shall
have, hold and exercise their jurisdiction in as full and ample,
manner in the said city as heretofore.
1884, ch. 498.
66. The mayor, counsellor and aldermen of the city of An-
napolis are authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to
acquire by purchase, condemnation, gift or grant, for the purposes
of a public cemetery or cemeteries for said city, so much land,
either within or without the limits of said city, as they may con-
sider necessary; and also to make such ordinances, by-laws, rules
or regulations relative to the same, and to public cemeteries be-
longing to said city or within its limits, as may be deemed right
and proper by them.
67. H they cannot agree with the owner of the land
so sought to be acquired for the purposes aforesaid for the pur-
chase of the same, they are authorized to proceed to condemn said
land for such purposes, in manner as provided by sections
248-253 of article 23 of the code of public general laws, title
"Corporations"; and all the rights, powers and privileges conferred
by said sections upon the corporations therein mentioned shall be
deemed applicable to and vested in said mayor, counsellor and
68. They are authorized to open roads, ways or streets to said
cemetery or cemeteries, and to condemn property for that purpose
under the powers conferred by the two preceding sections, or to
acquire title to the land necessary for that purpose by purchase,
gift or grant, as provided by said sections; and they are further-
more authorized to erect or construct bridges over the navigable
waters of College creek or of Spa creek, on either side of said
city, for convenience of access to such cemetery or cemeteries.