nually by the members on the first Tuesday in January, and five
of whom shall be appointed annually in the month of January by
the mayor of the city of Baltimore, with the advice and consent
of the city council, and ten of whom, to be severally resident of
some county in this State, shall be appointed biennially in the
month of January by the governor of the State, with the advice
and consent of the senate; and in case of failure to appoint or
elect, at the times hereinbefore mentioned, they shall be appointed
or elected as soon thereafter as possible; and a special meeting of
the members may be called by the directors, at any time after such
failure, for the purpose of a special election by them; and in all
coses the directors shall hold office until their successors are ap-
pointed or elected; and seven of said directors shall constitute a
quorum; but vacancies shall be filled by the concurrent vote of
Dot lees than a majority of the whole number remaining.
1866, ch. 156. 1870, ch. 391. 1872, ch. 218. 1880, ch 173.
373. The directors of said institution shall have, as to female
juvenile delinquents, all the powers and fulfil all the duties had
and fulfilled by the directors of the house of refuge; and the pro-
visions of sections 366, 367 and 368 shall be applicable to this
institution throughout the State.
Industrial Home for Colored Girls.
1882, ch. 291, sec. 1.
374. The industrial home for colored girls is a body corporate
and politic, and by that name and style shall have perpetual suc-
cession, with power to have and use a common seal and to change
the same at pleasure; to make contracts relative to said institu-
tion ; to sue and be sued, and by that name and style shall be capa-
ble of purchasing, taking, holding and conveying any real estate
or personal property, or receiving the same by gift, deed, will or
bequest, or otherwise, for the use of the corporation, and to estab-
lish by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of said
institution, and the preservation and application of the funds
thereof, and may appoint such officers, agents and servants as they
may deem proper to transact the business of the said corporation,
and designate and prescribe their duties. The special object of
the said industrial home for colored girls shall be the care, reforma-