same knowledge and proof of their being common thieves or pick-
pockets as provided in the preceding section, and the said justice
shall commit or bail such person on the same knowledge or proof ;
and any person convicted in any county on the line of said roads,
with being a common pickpocket, shall be punished by fine or im-
prisonment in the jail of the county for the same time and in the
same amount as provided in the preceding section, and all the pro-
visions of the preceding section shall apply to all cases under this
section, except so far as altered by this section.
Id s 3
Thieves, etc , in
the counties
186. Any person convicted in any county of this State, of the
offence of being a common thief or common pickpocket, shall be
fined and imprisoned in the county jail for the same time or amount
as provided in the one hundred and eighty-fourth section hereof, and
the provisions of said section shall apply to this section, except so
far as altered by this section.
1878, c 467
Who to be
deemed rogues
and vagabonds
187. If any person shall be apprehended having upon him any
pick-lock, key, crow, bit, or other implement, at places and under
circumstances from which an intent may be presumed feloniously to
break and enter into any dwelling-house, warehouse, storehouse,
stable, or out-house, or shall have upon him any pistol, hanger, cut-
lass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon, also at places and under
circumstances from which may be presumed an intent feloniously to
assault any person, or shall be found in or upon any dwelling-house,
warehouse, storehouse, stable, or out-house, or in any inclosed yard
or garden or area belonging to anj house, with an intent to steal
any goods or chattels, every such person shall be deemed a rogue
and a vagabond, and on being convicted thereof shall be sentenced
to the penitentiary for not less than one month nor more than two
years, or by imprisonment in jail, at the discietiou of the court, for
a like term.
Art 30, s 42
1723, c 16, s 3
188. Every person who shall be drunk in the presence of any
justice of the peace, minister, sheriff, coroner, constable, or judge,
or clerk of any court, on conviction thereof before any justice of the
peace, by the oath of one lawful witness, or by confession of the
party, shall be fined for every offence one dollar and costs.
Id s 12
1723, c 16,s 1,
1819, c 49
189. If any person, by writing or speaking, shall blaspheme or
curse God, or shall write or utter any profane words of and concern-
ing our Saviour, Jesus Christ, or of and concerning the Trinity, or
any of the persons thereof, he shall, on conviction, be fined not more
than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months,
or both fined and imprisoned as aforesaid, at the discretion of the