shall pay such person one-half of the fees received by him for the
pilotage of such vessel.
Id s 15
1853, c 214, s 6
Board of ex-
aminers to
make rules,
may suspend or
15. The board of examiners may make such rules and orders for
the government and regulation of pilots licensed by them as they
may think proper not contrary to the provisions of this article; and
they may, by their order, deprive any pilot of his license, or suspend
him for a limited time, for breaking such rules or orders, or omitting
anything required by the same, or for acting in any manner con-
trary thereto. And if any pilot so suspended or deprived shall,
during the time of such suspension or deprivation, take upon him-
Penalty for act-
ing thereafter
self to conduct or pilot any vessel, he shall forfeit and pay one hun-
dred and fifty dollars for each offence.
1866, c 25
What vessels re-
quired to take
licensed pilot.
1 6. All masters of foreign vessels and vessels from a foreign
port, and all vessels sailing under register, bound to and from Bal-
timore city, except vessels engaged exclusively in the coasting
trade, shall take a licensed pilot, or in case of refusal to take such
pilot, shall himself, owners, or consignees, pay the said pilotage as if
one had been employed; and such pilotage shall be paid to the pilot
first speaking or offering his services as pilot to such vessel before
Cape Henry bears south, if inward bound.
Art. 74, s 17
1853, c 214, s 14
Master of coast-
ing vessel to
obtain license
to navigate bay
without pilot
1 7. The master or owner of every vessel sailing under a coasting
license over one hundred tons, shall, before going to sea, apply to the
board of pilots for a license to navigate the Chesapeake bay with-
out a pilot, and shall pay to the said board of pilots for such license
at the rate of six cents per ton, and such license shall be good for
twelve months from the date thereof.
Id, s 18
1853, c 214, s 15
Having no
license to take
18. The master or owner of every vessel required to take out li-
cense under the two last preceding sections, navigating the Chesa-
peake bay without such license, shall either take the first licensed
pilot who offers to conduct or pilot his vessel to or from sea, or shall
Full pilotage
not exacted
from inward-
bound vessel
which shall
obtain license.
pay him full pilotage, but the payment of full pilotage shall not be
exacted from any inward-bound vessel which, on her arrival and
before her departure, shall obtain from the board of pilots a license
in pursuance of the provisions of this article.
Id s 19
1853, c 214, s 16
Proceeds of
license, etc,
bow distributed
1 9. The money collected by the board of pilots, under the six-
teenth and seventeenth sections of this article, shall be equally dis-
tributed quarterly among the regular working pilots over twenty-one
years of age, but the board shall make suitable provision for any
pilot who is sick or disabled, not exceeding the distributive portion
of any pilot engaged in active service.
Id s 20
1853, c 214, s 19.
What vessels
exempt from
20. The master or owner of any vessel bound up or down the
Pocomoke river, or any river whose mouth is bounded on both sides
by the Eastern Shore of Maryland, shall not be required to take out
any license from the board of pilots, or to pay any pilotage to or
from any of said rivers, unless a pilot be employed; provided, the
master or owner of any vessel shall not touch in any of said rivers
on their passage to or from Baltimore for the purpose of avoiding
any of the provisions of this article.