refuse or neglect to remove his vessel, upon the
request of such tobacco inspector, or his clerk, in
order that a vessel having tobacco on board may
land the same, or that a scow or vessel may receive
tobacco therefrom, shall pay a fine of not less than
five, nor more than twenty dollars, to be recovered
before any justice of the peace of the city of Balti-
more, for the use of tobacco fund.
Ibid, s 7.
Ten hours per
day labor.
501. Each of said tobacco inspectors and persons
employed by him, as aforesaid, shall unless prevent-
ed by sickness or unavoidable accident, occupy ten
hours every day, except Sundays and holidays, in
the actual and personal discharge of his particular
duties under this act.
Ibid s 8
When inspec-
tor may ap-
point substi-
502. If any tobacco inspector shall be prevented,
except by sickness or unavoidable accident, from
attending at the warehouse to which he is appointed,
he shall designate some competent and proper person
to act as his substitute, who shall be compensated out
of the salary of said tobacco inspector, and for whose
acts the said inspector and his bond shall be liable,
and his salary shall" cease during the time he is so
absent, provided such absence exceeds six days at
any one time.
1867, c. 368 repeals and re-enacts 1864, c. 346, s. 9 as follows :
1867, C. 368.
Inspector to
take charge of
tobacco and
liable for same
503. All tobacco landed or delivered at any of the
warehouses in the city of Baltimore for inspection,
shall be taken charge of by the inspector appointed
to said warehouse, who shall be responsible therefor
to the person delivering the same ; and if he refuses
to take charge of any such tobacco, or to give his re-
ceipt therefor when required, he shall be liable to a
penalty of one hundred dollars to be recovered in
any court of law in this state, without prejudice to
the right of action upon his official bond as herein-
before provided ; provided, he shall not be liable as
aforesaid if his warehouse be full and he shall have
secured room for said tobacco so delivered, in some
other warehouse or elsewhere ; and provided, further,