March, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as therein
provided ; and who shall be credited as a part of the
quota of this state under the late call of the president
of the United States for five hundred thousand men.
In force from March 4, 1861.
1864, c. 15 farther enacts as follows :
3. To every person who shall have already been
in service six months, and shall re-enlist before the
first day of March next, to serve as aforesaid, a state
bounty of three hundred and twenty-five dollars
shall be paid, of which one hundred and fifty dollars
shall be paid at the time of re-mustering into the ser-
vice of the United States, twenty dollars at the end
of each month of service for the five months imme-
diately succeeding, and seventy-five dollars at the
expiration of his term of service, or when such per-
son is honorably discharged from service.
1864, c.15, s. 2.
$325 bounty to
be paid and
4. To the owner of every negro slave who shall
agree to the enlistment of his slave as above, the
sum of one hundred dollars shall be paid when such
owner shall file with the proper authority a good
and valid deed of manumission of such negro slave
so enlisted, which deed of manumission shall be duly
recorded, and to the negro, fifty dollars, when he
shall be mustered into service, and the like sum
when he shall be honorably discharged from service ;
Ibid s 3
$100 to owner of
enlisted slave
and to slave.
provided, that every volunteer claiming the bounty
under the provisions of this act shall be credited to
the county or city where such volunteer resided or
in which he voted at the election next preceding his
enlistment, and that no volunteer shall be entitled to
claim any bounty under this act who shall not, at
the time of his enlistment, give under oath, the name
of the county or city in which, he resided, and in
which, if he be a voter, he voted at the election
aforesaid, and in case any county or city shall fur-
nish a surplus of freed negro volunteers, such sur-
plus shall be credited to the state at large.