Comptroller that he is rightfully entitled to the proceeds of any
such sale, the Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the Treas-
urer in favor of such person for the principal sum which shall
have been received and paid into the Treasury therefor,
66. When so large an amount of tobacco accumulates in any
one warehouse as to delay or interfere with inspections, the
inspector in charge of said warehouse shall remove to some other
proper and safe place so much of said inspected tobacco as shall
be necessary to give room for that which is uninspected, the
necessary cost of such removal to be charged and accounted for
as other expenses.
67. No inspector or other person appointed or employed in
either of the tobacco warhouses in the city of Baltimore, shall
allow any tobacco belonging to himself, or in which he is
interested, to be taken for inspection to the warehouse to which
he is appointed, or in which lie is employed, under a penalty of
twenty dollars for each offence; but tobacco raised by any one
so appointed or employed, may be inspected as other tobacco at
any other warehouse.
68. No inspector during his continuance in office, and no
other person employed in either of the warehouses of the city of
Baltimore, during the time of his employment, shall be engaged
or interested directly or indirectly, in the purchase or sale of
any tobacco other than such as he may himself have raised, nor
attempt to induce or influence the owner of any tobacco to con-
sign the same to any particular agent or agents, or to send the
same for inspection to one warehouse rather than another, under
a penalty of dismissal from office or service, and a fine of one
hundred dollars for each offence.
69. It shall be the duty of the several inspectors to prevent
any owner or purchaser of tobacco, or the agent of either, and
any other person whatsoever, except persons appointed for and
employed in the particular warehouse in which the inspection
may be made, from interfering with or assisting at the inspec-
tion, weighing or sampling of tobacco, or tying up or arranging,